According to the 9 different constitutions of the human body, plus the detection data of human nutrition components, the diet therapy program is issued by a professional nutritionist
Body scan of 6 acupoints, body physical examination of 286 indicators, and clinical verification anastomosis rate of 90%, automatically generate inspection guidance and health guidance
For the head of the brain nerve, headache, sleep disorders, vision fatigue, rhinitis and other comprehensive conditioning
For heart bypass, cardio-cerebrovascular blockage, cerebral infarction, stroke, lung disease, respiratory disease conditioning
Traditional Miao medicinal bath, dredging meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, enhance physical fitness, and effectively regulate body immunity
Dilate blood vessels, improve myocardial function, accelerate metabolism; Increase hemoglobin, increase red blood cells, avoid anemia; Clean pores, remove body odor, and remove aging cuticles.